Principal's Welcome

M.Jacob, Principal
Watch this video to see great views of our school grounds, including two basketball courts, grass play area and garden, newly installed raised beds, picnic benches and more!
Welcome to our new website. It is a window into our school. We would like to show you our variety of activities and keep you up to date on our policies and practices. We aim to give every child the best education possible while offering them different experiences and opportunities. We want their time in Presentation N S to be as enjoyable as possible and give them a chance to show off their hidden talents.
As a Presentation school, we aim to enrich the school community by offering a range of activities which will help everyone to reach their full potential as students and as members of society. We strive to enable the pupils to be confident and self-assured and send them on equipped with a healthy mind and body able to overcome any challenges they face in their future.
Meet Our Teachers
Mrs Ann McGrath
Junior Infant Teacher
Mrs Marie Kenny
3rd & 4th class Teacher
Mrs Mary Jacob
Senior Infants and First Class Teacher
Ms Rachel Tyrrell
5th and 6th Class Teacher
Ms Laura Treacy
1st and 2nd Class Teacher
Mrs Valerie Keogh
SET Teacher
Ms Martina Brennan
SET Teacher
Ms Ciara Sharkey
Shared SET Teacher
Mrs Carmel Kenny
Shared Home School Community Liaison co-ordinator (HSCL).
Mission Statement and ethos
As a Presentation School, our vision is to promote the growth of our school community – children, parents, staff and management in a Christian, Catholic/Presentation atmosphere, so that all of us may achieve our full potential as children of God and live as responsible members of society in our world
On 29th June 1829, the Presentation Sisters first came to the Parish of Castlecomer. This was the year of Catholic Emancipation and Catholics were now free to practice their religion. Catholic children could attend schools. Three Sisters from the Presentation
Convent Kilkenny volunteered to set up the school in Castlecomer. These were Mother Lewis Aylward, Mother Angela Feehan and Sr. Catherine Aylward. At first, the nuns lived in a four-bedroomed thatched cottage. The nuns taught their first pupils in the sacristy
attached to the parish chapel. This was situated in the churchyard and it later became The Boys’ School.
For over fifty years the nuns had much to suffer from lack of accommodation. In 1879, Mr Charles Wandesford gave an old hospital in Kilkenny Street to the nuns. Part of today's school is built on the site of that hospital. In 1885 St. Mary's school was built and the remaining school buildings in 1898.
In 1937, a Secondary Top under the Primary School Board was begun. In 1959, an application was made to the Department of Education for a new Primary School. After a year or two, permission was granted. The site was a vegetable garden, purchased by
the nuns in 1936. The old Primary School was used as a Secondary School until Minister Mary O’Rourke officially opened the new Community School on 23rd October 1990.
In the 1960s, many developments happened, e.g., the FREE EDUCATION SCHEME began in 1967, hence, student numbers increased. Also, CO - EDUCATION began. The Secondary Top ceased in 1968 and became a Secondary School. In 1996 the B.O.M. submitted a request to the trustees to extend the play area for the school. This request was sanctioned. A grant was obtained from the Department of
Education and in 2000 a new playground was opened. Until 2011, the school had a Presentation sister as principal. Sr Nuala Horan retired that
Margaret Maxwell became the school’s first lay principal and was then succeeded by the current principal, Mary Jacob. She keeps Nano Nagle’s lantern burning bright by leading the school community in the Presentation ethos.
Uniform information
The school uniform is a blue jumper, light blue shirt, navy tie, and navy trousers for boys,
navy skirt/ pinafore for girls. The children wear a navy school tracksuit on P.E. and
Drama days. Remember to label all items clearly with your child’s name.
Healthy lunch promotion
Our school has a healthy lunch policy. We have two breaks during the day, to allow children to eat and top up their energy! Hot lunches are provided by Fresh Today, and all parents are issued with log in details to change their child's weekly menu.
For extra snacks from home, choose sandwiches, crackers and rolls, with fruit, yoghurt and/or cheese are good, healthy suggestions. Children bring water, juice or milk.
Fizzy drinks, chocolate bars, crisps and sweets are not part of a healthy lunch. Don’t forget to label your lunchbox and drink bottle!
Parents’ Council
Our school has an active and very supportive council and it meets regularly. Áine Dunne is the current secretary. New parents are always encouraged to join.
Board of Management
A new Board is elected every four years. The current Board meets every six weeks and is involved in the overall management of school life. The Chairperson of our Board is Mr Ger Comerford.