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Literacy interventions:
 Literacy Lift Off is in action at Senior Infant and First Class level. We are very fortunate to have Reading Recovery established in school for a number of years. Thanks to the Parents’ Council for assisting in the purchase of high-quality books to facilitate these interventions.

The Building Bridges Comprehension Programme is encouraged, as are games to develop vocabulary and oral language development.

Our school's strong link with the local library ensures that a wealth of reading material is available for pupils.

Reading -at - home is always encouraged.

The Hug-a - Book programme is in operation, thanks to Mrs Carmel Kenny (HSCL), for parents to promote reading and the love of books at home. 

Digital Technology
We have a suite of laptops and android tablets for pupil use. Teachers collaborate to progress our Digital Learning Plan. Pupils in all classes have the use of technology in age-appropriate ways.Bee-Bots are in also in use, and introduce pupils to coding!
We recently acquired a suite of Chromebooks for pupil use and we are looking forward to working on these!


Internet Safety
Our whole school community is encouraged to be smart and safe online. Teachers use Webwise resources and our whole school celebrates Internet Safety Day each year. Zeeko Education visits for pupils, parents and staff have been arranged for the past number of years. Senior pupils participated in Appyness Online lessons, a peer – learning initiative.

Classes engage in our SPHE programme from Infants to 6th class, incorporating Stay Safe, Walk Tall, and the R.S.E. programme. Older classes have engaged in age-appropriate Mental Health programmes to boost self-esteem and wellbeing.

Maths Week
Held each November, Maths Week has every boy and girl in the school taking part in maths trails, solving problems and doing lots of extra hands-on measuring activities. See our blog for Maths Week activities.

Music Generation
Our school is very lucky to have been chosen to take part in Music Generation classes which run for the whole year, incorporating music theory and performance. We hope to showcase our music skills during the year, so watch our Twitter feed and blog for updates.

Our school choir performs at communions and confirmations, Christmas shows and other events such as the Peace Proms in Cillín Hill and Hallelujah Chorus in the R.D.S.

Each December, the school is a hive of activity. Preparation for Nativity plays and choral
performances gets underway before parents are invited in for a special show in the gym. For the
Feast of the Presentation, classes are treated to a dramatized story of Nano Nagle’s life.

Projects and Initiatives


Discover Primary Science
Classes each year work towards gaining another Maths and Science of Excellence award. Led by Ms O’Sullivan, our school has won numerous awards, having completed a comprehensive range of experiments and activities. Check our photo gallery to see Design and Make activities, experiments and more.

Science Blast: For the past two to three years, middle and senior classes have partaken in the Science Blast project, run by the ESB. Classes communicated via Zoom with their respective judges and received a plaque in recognition of their efforts.

Science Fair
Our science fair is one of the most exciting days on the school calendar! Every pupil from Junior Infants to 6th class takes part, and parents come to view experiments in the gym.


Active Flag

Since 2022,  we have been  taking part in the Active Flag initiative, and will keep everyone updated on our dedicated page on this website.

Thanks to Ms McGrath for leading the way! 

Amber Flag

In 2023, our school was awarded its first Amber Flag, and we strive to continue the themes and activities that were kickstarted during that year.

We have an Amber Flag Committee to help highlight important themes and issues, and to bring news to each class.


Creative School: 2023 - 2025: We are a Creative School! This means that our school has secured funding for creative projects, which have been inspired by pupils' ideas and wishes for their school. 

We work with our Creative Associate, Jo Hennessey, to develop our plan.

See our blog for updates on activities.


Green School
We recently achieved our 7th Green Flag for Global Citizenship – Litter and Waste. The Green School Committee is led by Ms McGrath and comprises of pupils from middle and senior classes. The Green School message is strong in our school and we look forward to working towards our 8th flag. Our whole school community takes care of the environment and strives to be greener with each passing year.

Challenge to Change
This is a project run by the Presentation Education Office and is focused on Development Education. Topics for our projects in recent year were environmental-based ones e.g. biodiversity, transport; projects on children’s rights and on diversity. All participating schools from the region come together to celebrate and exhibit their school’s work in the Springhill hotel in May.


An Ghaeilge

Scríobh Leabhar:
Senior classes  take part in the project Scríobh leabhar run by Kilkenny Education Centre. Pupils must plan, write and illustrate their own stories as Gaeilge! Their stories are then swapped with those from another school. Each class then pick their favourites for prizes and award winners are invited to the Watershed in Kilkenny to attend a special awards ceremony.
Seachtain na Gaeilge, Lá le Pádraig 
Is breá linn an Ghaeilge a labhairt ar scoil agus bíonn seans iontach againn i rith Seachtainna Gaeilge i mí Márta, ár gcultúr a chéiliúradh le chéile. Bíonn ceol, dánta, rince agus drama ar siúl sa halla. This is a great opportunity for Junior Infants to 6th class to showcase songs, poems, drama
and dance in Irish. Recently, we have had a multi-class tráth na gceist in the gym as well as a céilí mór!
Senior classes take part in Concern Primary Debates, held at Kilkenny Education Centre. The debating team is coached by Mrs C. Kenny and has reached the regional semi-finals of the competition twice!
School tours
Pupils and teachers alike enjoy school tours during the Summer term. We like to vary the activities of tours from year to year, to include activity-based days out, as well as places with an educational focus.  Check out photos on our blog and Twitter feed to see some fun tours we have enjoyed.

In the Kitchen
Classes make pancakes in our kitchen on Shrove Tuesday. Weighing, whisking, sieving, flipping and eating is such fun! As a treat, some senior classes use the kitchen to bake, and 6th class prepare their graduation refreshments here, too.
Our school holds an annual book fair each spring to coincide with World Book Day. Khan’s
Books, Kilkenny bring a very interesting and exciting array of books that suit all ages and tastes

to have been chosen to take part in Music Generation classes which run for the whole year, incorporating music theory and performance. We hope to showcase our music skills during the year, so watch our Twitter feed and blog for updates.

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