Presentation Castlecomer and Kilkenny ETB have been running a Hug a Book in the school since late 2022. A number of parents visit the school on a weekly basis to read books and make craft items.
The group recently went to a show case in the Lord Bagenal Leighlinbridge to show case their story sack for “What the Ladybird heard”. It was well received by all who attended. Following this they brought the ‘story sack’ to Castlecomer Library where the junior rooms got to hear the story and play with the story sack.
The main contributors were Christine Brennan, Hanna Wernicka, Edel Byrne, Iweta Czech and Bríd Walsh. The sessions are facilitated by Carmel O’Neill KETB and Carmel Kenny School HSCL.
It is hoped to grow this group and it continues in Presentation Castlecomer on Tuesdays from 9.30 to 11 am approximately .
The kettle is always on in the Parents Room and parents are invited to drop in for a cuppa and a chat.